Hostel Knot 6周年

早いものでHostel Knotをオープンして6年という月日が流れました。





新しく、より満足いただける7年目のHostel Knotを引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。




スタッフ一同、またお会いできる日を楽しみにより一層進化したHostel Knotでお待ちしております!

Time flew by so fast and it’s now 6 years since we first opened Hostel Knot. We are truly grateful for all of your continuous support. We tend to reflect on the past year on June 1st instead of during New Year’s Eve. Memories like what kind of guests we were able to meet, what kind of events took place, and so on…

Of course thanks to the post pandemic we were not expecting we would be able to welcome more foreigners this year. Also we had solo travelers and group travels staying with us when traveling around Izu or Shuzenji.

Myself and our staff also were able to encounter many memorable events and guests, just like our meaning of the hostel!

It’s been awhile but we will be selling an original novelty item to celebrate our 6th anniversary with you.

We will be announcing it sometime mid-June, please look forward to it.

Lastly, we can’t thank you all enough for helping us celebrate our 6th year.

Myself and our staff look forward to seeing you all at Hostel Knot.

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