Hostel Knotの感染予防対策 – Infection control - Hostel KnotHostel Knotの感染予防対策 – Infection control - Hostel Knot Warning: Constant GROOVY_MENU_SCRIPTS_INIT already defined in /home/hostelknot/ on line 199
Several cases of pneumonia related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in Japan. Our guesthouse will be implementing the following measures in response. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
– The staff is required to check health and measure a body temperature everyday. If body temperature is 37.5 degrees of higher, they will not be allowed to work.
– We afraid that we may need to refuse to stay in that way. If you are experiencing a fever or cough, or if you are feeling unwell in any way , please conseder and refrain from the trip .
● 旅行中は、他人との身体的距離の確保、マスク着用、手洗い・手指の消毒のを心がけましょう。
– Please practice keeping proper distance, wearing a mask, handwashing duaring all time of the travel.