May.25.Sat-Jun.9.Sun*ほたるの夕べのお知らせ - Hostel KnotMay.25.Sat-Jun.9.Sun*ほたるの夕べのお知らせ - Hostel Knot Warning: Constant GROOVY_MENU_SCRIPTS_INIT already defined in /home/hostelknot/ on line 199
From the end of May to the beginning of June, You can see fireflies at the Katsura River.
The observation point is Akagaeru park, is 3 minutes walk from Hostel Knot. You can see more fireflies, if you walk to a country side.
※ Kindly refrain from using flash for fireflies.
********************************************************* 日時:5月25日(土) – 6月9日(日) 場所:赤蛙公園、桂川沿い ********************************************************* Date :25th May 2019 (Sat) – 9th Jan 2019 (Sun) Location:Akagaeru Park *********************************************************