Hostel Knot

【Go toトラベル一時停止】について - Hostel Knot
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Hostel Knot

日頃より、Hostel Knotをご愛顧頂き誠にありがとうございます。

この度、政府から発表がございました「Go toトラベルキャンペーンの一時停止」につきましてご案内申し上げます。


なお、自社HP及び各予約サイトのプラン名が【Go toトラベルキャンペーン割引対象】と表示されていても、上記の期間におきましては対象外になりますのでご注意くださいませ。

大変ご迷惑をお掛け致しますが、今後ともHostel Knotをよろしくお願い致します。


Hostel Knot

Thank you for your continuous support to Hostel Knot.

We would like to inform you about the “suspension of Go To Travel campaign” that was released by Japan governors.

The Go To Travel campaign will be suspended nationwide from December 28, 2020 until January 11, 2021.

Therefore, plans that are title “Go toトラベルキャンペーン割引対象 (Go To Travel campaign discount target)” located on our website (Japanese version only) will also not be eligible for discount.

We are so sorry for the inconvenience and ask for your continuous support to Hostel Knot.

We are sorry to trouble you, but we will close for the following days December 28 and from December 31, 2020 until January 3, 2021.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your understanding.

Hostel Knot