Hostel Knot

おかげさまでHostel Knotは2周年 - Hostel Knot
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Hostel Knot

本日6月1日、Hostel Knotはめでたく2周年を迎えることができました。

 ・Lonely Planet掲載

こんな状況で2周年を迎えることになるとは、去年の今頃は想像もつきませんでした。ただありがたい事に、今回のコロナ禍でたくさんの人にエールをいただいたんです。これまでKnotに泊まってくださったゲストの皆さん、改装に携わってくれた仲間、それに修善寺の地域の方々。この2年で少しずつでもこれほどの “人と人、人と伊豆” の ”Knot(結び目)” を生み出すことが出来たんだなぁとしみじみ思いました。とても心強いです。ありがとうございます。


さらに進化していくHostel Knotの3年目。引き続き、温かく見守っていただけたら幸いです。


Today, June 1st, is Hostel Knot’s 2nd anniversary.
We would like to thank everyone who have supported us on a regular basis.

Looking back, a lot has happened throughout these 2 years
 ・Published on Lonely Planet
 ・Released「Knot’s hand-towel」
 ・New staff member
 ・Welcomed Workawayers
 ・Produced「Tabidara」, guidebook of Izu Peninsula

Of course, it was far beyond our imagination that we would celebrate our 2nd anniversary in this situation.

But even during this pandemic, we were fortunate to receive yells from many of you. Those who have stayed at Knot, those who helped us during DIY, those who live in Shuzenji area. Within these 2 years we have been able to live up and embrace our motto, “people to people, people to Izu”. Thank you very much.

So for our 3rd year, as Knot, we would like to think of what is best for Izu Peninsula during this time as the olympics are postponed and the after-shock of the pandemic. We would like to repay the amount of support we received with abundant of knots.

Please continue to watch over and support us throughout Hostel Knot’s 3rd year.

This year, while we see how it goes, we would like to hold our anniversary party in July.
Will announce more details later.

Finally, we would like to again thank you.
Because of you we are able to welcome today.
All staff are looking forward to meeting you again.