Hostel Knot

新型コロナウイルスへの対策について - Hostel Knot
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Hostel Knot

いつもHostel Knotをご利用いただき誠にありがとうございます。


■ スタッフの手洗いうがいの徹底
■ 清掃時を含む定期的な施設内のアルコール消毒、換気
■ 受付に除菌ハンドスプレーの設置と使用の呼びかけ
■ 各部屋への加湿器の設置


【3月の臨時休業予定 (2020.3.13現在)】



【 An infection control of coronavirus 】

We hope you are doing well.
Please be informed about an infection control of coronavirus. 

We are thoroughly taking care of coronavirus as below for guests and staffs.

■ Hand washing and gargling.
■ Cleaning with alcohols and ventilation.
■ To advise to use a hand sanitizer at a reception
■ Humidifiers in each rooms

In addition, please be advised that our guesthouse will be closed 15 March to 19 March.

Thank you for your corporation.