
Hostel Knotの山本・杉浦・中村・Jamieです。
Hostel Knotは令和3年6月1日に無事創立3周年の記念の日を迎えます。
そこで今回は細やかではありますが特別にHostel Knotから抽選で10名様に3周年記念品をお送りしたいと思います。
少し手間かもしれませんが是非Hostel Knotの応援も兼ねて参加いただけるととても嬉しいです。
[Instagram] [Twitter] 抽選で合計10名様に3周年記念品をプレゼント
6月1日~18日 (23:59)
19日の周年記念インスタライブ (生配信)の途中で生発表させていただきます。
①InstagramにてHostel Knot公式アカウントをフォロー
①TwitterにてHostel Knot公式アカウントをフォロー
Hostel Knot
代表 山本涼平
スタッフ 杉浦琴美
スタッフ 中村優希
スタッフ Jamie
English Below
Thank you for viewing.
This is Ryohey, Kotomi, Yuuki, and Jamie from Hostel Knot.
On June 1st, 2021, Hostel Knot will welcome our 3rd anniversary.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, we couldn’t help but cancel our 2nd anniversary celebration.
We were hoping we could hold our 3rd anniversary celebration with our guests, but unfortunately we will have to cancel our event this time as well.
So instead, we would like to do something special to all of you who have stayed with us and supported us throughout the years.
We would like to send a special 3rd anniversary gift to 10 people selected by election through SNS.
It may take you some time, but we will deeply appreciate it if you are able to enjoy and support our special event.
[Instagram] [Twitter] 3rd anniversary gift for a total of 10 people by election
We would like to select and send 10 people a special 3rd anniversary gift.
The 3rd anniversary gift will be an exclusive item, so we hope you are willing to join.
June 1st – 18th (11:59PM)
We would like to announce the winners through 3rd anniversary instagram live on the 19th (Sat), we will announce the time next week.
Also we will announce our winners through our website and each official SNS account.
◉How to join the event
①Please follow our official Hostel Knot account on Instagram
②Post a picture of your memory at Hostel Knot
※ Please tag us in your pictures
③If possible please add a line or 2 of comments in your caption.
※ Please add the following hashtag in your post, #hostelknot3rdanniversary④We will announce the winners during our Instagram Live event on June 19th, and later send a direct message to each person.
①Please follow our official Hostel Knot account on Twitter
②Tweet a picture of your memory at Hostel Knot
③If possible please add a line or 2 of comments in your caption.
※ Please add the following hashtag in your post, #hostelknot3rdanniversary④We will announce the winners during our Instagram Live event on June 19th, and later send a direct message to each person.
We will not be able to see your posts/tweets if your account is private, please open your account to the public if you would like to join.
Also, if you are currently living overseas, we are terribly sorry, but you will not be eligible to be selected as one of the ten people. We ask for your understanding.
We would like to inform you all again on June 1st about our 3rd year anniversary.
Thank you for taking the time to read this long text
Hostel Knot
Representative Ryohey Yamamoto
Staff Kotomi Sugiura
Staff Yuuki Nakamura
Staff Jamie
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