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伊豆半島をディープに旅するガイドブック「たびだら2020」が2020年4月1日から定価 ¥1,500にて販売 & 利用受付開始しています。伊豆半島を楽しむのにたびだらを買わない手はありません。いやいや、そもそも「たびだら」ってなんなのさ・・・
Hello, this is Kim.
「Tabidara 2020」, Izu Peninsula’s first bilingual guidebook featuring Izu’s deep information is on sale (¥1500 tax included) and can be used. Its a must buy if you really want to enjoy Izu Peninsula to the fullest.
Wait a minute…
so what is 「Tabidara」?
Tabidara’s official website

たびだらは、1冊持っているだけで伊豆半島のいろいろな温泉施設・飲食店・体験施設で割引や特典 ( 冊子内では “とくだら” って呼びます ) を受けられるガイドブックです。購入した日(発行日)から1年間有効なので、伊豆半島に来るたび使うことができます。
With this 1 guidebook, you can use coupons and receive benefits for each onsen facilities, eateries, and experience facilities published in Tabidara. Coupons and benefits are called “Tokudara” in Tabidara, using a Shizuoka-dialect “dara”. The coupons will expire 1 year after the purchase date, which means you can use this during your next visit.
「It’s a waste to just visit the major travel sites in Izu」. Tabidara’s production team has put together information on local favorites and good unknown places. That is why the pieces of information published in Tabidara are all loved by locals and well-known to locals.

気になる “とくだら” の内容がこちら。まず驚くのが「6ヶ所の温泉」を無料で入浴できてしまうこと。¥1,500 での販売なので、1ヶ所 ¥300という計算に。なんてこった・・・お得だ。それに加えて、「他21ヶ所の温泉・48ヶ所の飲食店・8ヶ所の体験施設」での割引や特典。すごい、すごいぞたびだら。
Content for “Tokudara”…
First, believe it or not, free bathing is available in 「6 onsen facilities」. These facilities will normally charge you ¥300…I’ll leave the calculations to you.). In addition, there are coupons/benefits for 21 onsen facilities, 48 eateries, and 8 experience facilities.

A quick look at the inside and design. Not only information about the stores but also travel tips and bits of knowledge of onsens are also published. Each area has a different color, which makes it easier for you to find information.
1. 掲載店に行き、入店時 or 注文時にたびだらを提示する。
2. “とくだら”が未使用なことを確認してもらい、チェックをつけてもらいましょう。( 無料温泉は特別なスタンプが用意されています。全部デザインが違うのでコンプリートするしかないですね! )
3. 特典サービスを受けて、伊豆半島を心ゆくまで楽しみましょう!
<How to use>
𝟷. Show your Tabidara when entering or ordering at one of the listed stores.
𝟸. Have staff check their “Tokudara” listed and make sure they sign it. (Original stamps are only for free onsens. Every design is different so enjoy completing the list on the back)
𝟹. Receive benefits and enjoy Izu Peninsula to its fullest.

Look forward to more exciting information when you purchase 「Tabidara」. Travel deeper than usual with 「Tabidara」. I promise you, you will fall deeper in love with Izu Peninsula!
But wait, who are the production staffs who produce a guidebook packed with love for Izu…

えーっとですね、お気づきの方も多いかと思いますが、Knotスタッフです。(笑) 去年の秋頃からHostel Knotもやりつつ、伊豆半島中を駆け巡って作りました。なんだか自作自演になってしまいましたが、「たびだら」は伊豆半島を訪れる全ての人に自信を持っておすすめする1冊です。
現在、伊豆半島各所、公式オンラインショップにて好評販売中です。もちろんHostel Knotでも販売中!
Some of you have may already notice but 「Tabidara」’s production staffs are actually the same staff of Hostel Knot. From last autumn, while running Hostel Knot, our staff have traveled all around Izu Peninsula to make this guidebook. It sounds like a sock pocket but I can recommend Tabidara to people who travel to Izu Peninsula with confidence.
Tabidara is currently available in various places of Izu Peninsula and the official online shop.
Check the official website for more information.
But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you! But it’s up to you!
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