修禅寺節分会のお知らせ - Hostel Knot修禅寺節分会のお知らせ - Hostel Knot Warning: Constant GROOVY_MENU_SCRIPTS_INIT already defined in /home/hostelknot/hostelknot.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/groovy-menu/groovy-menu.php on line 199
Setsubun-e Festival👹 on 3rd Feb 3rd Feb is the day between Winter and Spring. On this day, in a custom called mame-maki, people throw beans to expel evil spirits and bring in good luck.
********************************************************* 日時 :02月03日(日) 13時~ご祈祷 13時30分頃~豆まき 場所 :修禅寺 ********************************************************* Date :2nd Feb 2019 (Sun) 1:00PM Location :Shuzenji Temple *********************************************************