【8月】修善寺イベント情報-events | イベント, 修善寺【8月】修善寺イベント情報-events | イベント, 修善寺 Warning: Constant GROOVY_MENU_SCRIPTS_INIT already defined in /home/hostelknot/hostelknot.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/groovy-menu/groovy-menu.php on line 199
A Bon festival at Shuzenji Temple. You can see and join “Bon Festival Dance”. There are rows of stalls called “Demise”. You can buy your favorite food from a food stall, then enjoy it while walking around. It would be nice to enjoy Japanese summer !!
A fireworks festival around Shuzenji St. There are rows of stalls called “Demise”. You can buy your favorite food from a food stall, then enjoy it while walking around.
▼日時:8月2日 19:30〜20:30 (花火 20:15〜20:45) ▼会場:修善寺駅 【Contact】 伊豆市観光協会修善寺支部 TEL:0558-72-2501 HP :https://www.izushi.info/event/2017/07/13/post-243/